word标尺灰色_如何在Microsoft Word中使用标尺
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Word’s rulers let you control the margins of your page and the indentation of paragraphs. They’re great for precisely lining up images, text, and other elements. If you’re printing a document, the rulers can help ensure that what you see on your screen translates into what you’ll get on the printed page.

Word的标尺使您可以控制页面的边距和段落的缩进。 它们非常适合精确排列图像,文本和其他元素。 如果您要打印文档,则标尺可以帮助确保您在屏幕上看到的内容转换为您将在打印页面上看到的内容。

The trouble is, rulers aren’t even visible by default in Word anymore. Here’s how to turn them on, and how to make the most out of them.

问题是,默认情况下,Word中甚至不再显示标尺。 这是打开它们的方法,以及如何充分利用它们的方法。

Note: We’re working with Office 2016 in this article. The rulers have been around pretty much forever, though, and work similarly in previous versions of Word.

注意:本文将使用Office 2016。 不过,统治者已经存在了很长时间,并且在Word的早期版本中也是如此。

激活标尺 (Activate the Rulers)

First, make sure you’re in Print Layout view. On the Ribbon, switch to the “View” tab (all the way on the right). If “Print Layout” isn’t already highlighted, click it now.

首先,请确保您处于“打印版式”视图中。 在功能区上,切换到“查看”选项卡(一直在右侧)。 如果“打印布局”尚未突出显示,请立即单击它。

Now look towards the center of the Ribbon. In the “Show” section, enable the “Rulers” option. You should immediately see the horizontal ruler above your document and the vertical ruler to its left.

现在朝功能区的中心看。 在“显示”部分中,启用“规则”选项。 您应该立即看到文档上方的水平标尺和左侧的垂直标尺。

Note: The horizontal ruler is also visible in Web Layout and Draft view. The vertical ruler is not.

注意:水平标尺在“ Web版式”和“草稿”视图中也可见。 垂直标尺不是。

访问页面设置窗口 (Access the Page Setup Window)

Double-click any empty space on the ruler to open the Page Setup window. This is the same window you can open from the Layout tab on the Ribbon.

双击标尺上的任何空白区域以打开“页面设置”窗口。 这是可以从功能区上的“布局”选项卡打开的窗口。

The “Page Setup” window shows you most of the physical layout properties of the document. The “Margins” tab lets you set the margins for the top, bottom, left, and right, which you can verify with the markers on the ruler (see below). The Gutter is extra space on the page, usually used as an extra blank space for things like comb binding (those little plastic corkscrews that make a cheap notebook). It’s set as blank by default. You can also use this tab to control page orientation.

“页面设置”窗口显示了文档的大多数物理布局属性。 “页边距”选项卡允许您设置顶部,底部,左侧和右侧的页边距,您可以使用标尺上的标记进行校验(请参见下文)。 装订线是页面上的多余空间,通常用作梳齿装订(那些做成便宜笔记本的塑料开瓶器)之类的额外空白。 默认情况下设置为空白。 您也可以使用此选项卡控制页面方向。

If you’re printing your document, the “Paper” tab lets you can change the physical size of the paper to match different paper sizes in your printer. The default is 8.5 inches by 11 inches, the standard “Letter” size for US paper printing (215.9 x 279.4mm). You can see the result of this setting in the digital rulers on the page, with the default 1-inch margins resulting in a 7.5-inch horizontal ruler and a 10-inch vertical ruler. If you’re planning on printing via a standard home printer or you’re using the primary tray in your office printer, leave this as is.

如果您要打印文档,则可以使用“纸张”选项卡更改纸张的物理尺寸,以匹配打印机中不同的纸张尺寸。 默认值为8.5英寸乘11英寸,这是美国纸张打印的标准“信纸”尺寸(215.9 x 279.4mm)。 您可以在页面的数字标尺中看到此设置的结果,默认的1英寸页边距产生了7.5英寸的水平标尺和10英寸的垂直标尺。 如果您打算通过标准家用打印机进行打印,或者正在使用办公室打印机中的主纸盘,请保持原样。

即时更改保证金 (Change Margins On the Fly)

Margins are indicated on the ruler by the gray and white areas. The gray areas at either end of the ruler represent your margin; the white areas the active page. The scaling of the rulers seems a little strange at first. It actually starts on the far left (or top for the vertical ruler) with a number indicating the size of your margin and then counts down. When it reaches the white, active area, it starts counting up again. You can see this in the image below, where I’ve set the margin to two inches.

边距在标尺上用灰色和白色区域指示。 标尺两端的灰色区域代表您的边距; 活动页面的白色区域。 首先,标尺的缩放似乎有些奇怪。 它实际上从最左边(或垂直标尺的顶部)开始,并带有一个数字,该数字指示边距的大小,然后倒数。 到达白色的活动区域时,它将再次开始计数。 您可以在下面的图片中看到这一点,在这里我将边距设置为两英寸。

In Word’s default 8.5 by 11-inch page setup, the horizontal ruler starts at 1 (indicating a one-inch margin), then resets at zero where the margin ends, then counts up to 7.5 for the remaining horizontal space. Ditto for the vertical ruler: starts at one for a one-inch margin, restarts at zero at the white space, and only goes up to ten.

在Word的默认8.5 x 11英寸页面设置中,水平标尺从1(表示一英寸的页边距)开始,然后在页边距结束处重置为零,然后为剩余的水平空间计数到7.5。 垂直标尺的同上:从1英寸到1英寸的空白,在空白处从零开始,直到10。

Note: Word’s rulers show whatever measurement you have set in File > Options > Advanced > Show Measurements In Units Of. You can change measurements to centimeters, millimeters, points, or picas. Be aware, though, that this settings controls the units of measurement used throughout Word—not just the ruler.

注意:Word的标尺显示您在文件>选项>高级>以单位显示度量中设置的任何度量。 您可以将测量值更改为厘米,毫米,点或皮卡。 但是请注意,此设置控制整个Word中使用的度量单位,而不仅仅是标尺。

You can also quickly adjust margins right from the ruler. Hold your mouse over the line separating the white and gray area. You’ll see the pointer turn to a double arrow and will likely see a tooltip letting you know you’re point at the margin. Now, just click and drag that line left or right to adjust that margin.

您也可以直接从标尺快速调整边距。 将鼠标悬停在分隔白色和灰色区域的线上。 您会看到指针变成双箭头,并且可能会看到一个工具提示,让您知道自己正指向空白处。 现在,只需单击并向左或向右拖动该线即可调整该边距。

即时更改缩进 (Change Indents on the Fly)

Those little triangle- and box-shaped markers on the ruler are quite handy. They control the indenting of individual paragraphs. Just position your cursor in the paragraph you want to adjust and slide them around. If you want to change multiple paragraphs, select the paragraphs you want to change. And if you want to change indents throughout the whole document, just hit Ctrl+A (to select everything), and then adjust the sliders.

标尺上的那些小三角形和盒形标记非常方便。 它们控制各个段落的缩进。 只需将光标放在要调整的段落中,然后将其滑动即可。 如果要更改多个段落,请选择要更改的段落。 如果要更改整个文档的缩进量,只需按Ctrl + A(选择所有内容),然后调整滑块即可。

Here’s how each indent works.


Dragging the Left Indent marker changes the indentation for all lines of a paragraph. As you slide it, the other two indent markers move as well. Here, I’m moving the Left Indent half an inch in from the left margin.

拖动“左缩进”标记会更改段落所有行的缩进。 滑动时,其他两个缩进标记也会移动。 在这里,我将左缩进距离左边缘半英寸。

Dragging the First Line Indent marker changes indentation for only the first line of a paragraph.


Dragging the Hanging Indent marker changes the indentation of all lines except the first line.


On the right end of the ruler, you’ll find only one marker: the Right Indent marker. Drag it to constrain the paragraph on the right side.

在标尺的右端,您只会找到一个标记:Right Indent标记。 拖动它以约束右侧的段落。

添加制表位 (Add Tab Stops)

A tab stop is the location your cursor moves to when you hit the Tab key. A default Word document has no tab stops, so each time you hit the Tab key, the cursor jumps ahead about eight characters. Setting tab stops lets you better control and line up text.

制表位是按Tab键时光标移动到的位置。 默认的Word文档没有制表符停止,因此,每当您按下Tab键时,光标就会向前跳大约8个字符。 设置制表位可以使您更好地控制和排列文本。

Of course, Word offers enough options that things get a little more complicated than that. If you look all the way to the left edge of your document, just above the vertical ruler, you’ll see the Tab Stop button.

当然,Word提供了足够的选择,使事情变得比这复杂得多。 如果您一直看到文档的左边缘,就在垂直标尺的上方,您会看到“制表位停止”按钮。

Clicking this button lets you cycle through the different types of tab stops Word makes available. Here they are:

单击此按钮可以让您循环浏览不同类型的选项卡停止点,Word可用。 他们来了:

  • Left: Left tabs are Word’s default tap stop. They’re what most people think of when they think of tab stops, and what you’ll likely use most of the time. Text is aligned against the left edge of the tab stop.

    左:左选项卡是Word的默认点击停止。 他们是大多数人在想到制表位时想到的,也是大多数时候您可能会用到的东西。 文本与制表位的左边缘对齐。

  • Center: Center tabs align the text around the center of the tab stop.


  • Right: Right tabs align text against the tab stop’s right edge and are a great way to align the rightmost digits of lengthy lists of numbers as you enter them.


  • Decimal: Decimal tabs align numbers (or text) based on decimal points. They are great for aligning currency figures. Be careful, though. Text is also aligned on decimals, so if you type a sentence with a period, the period will align on the tab stop.

    十进制:十进制选项卡根据小数点对齐数字(或文本)。 它们非常适合调整货币数据。 不过要小心。 文本也以小数点对齐,因此,如果键入带句点的句子,则句点将在制表位上对齐。

  • Bar Tab: Bar tabs do not create an actual tab stop. Instead, they create a vertical line wherever you insert them. You could use these for putting vertical lines between tabbed columns in instances where you’d rather not use a table.

    栏选项卡:栏选项卡不会创建实际的制表位。 相反,无论您在哪里插入它们,它们都会创建一条垂直线。 在不希望使用表的情况下,您可以使用它们在选项卡式列之间放置垂直线。

  • Indents: Select first line and hanging indent options and then click anywhere in the active ruler space (the white area) to place the indent there. This works the same as dragging the indent markers the way we discussed in the previous section.

    缩进:选择第一行并悬挂缩进选项,然后在活动标尺空间(白色区域)中的任意位置单击以将缩进放置在此处。 这与我们在上一节中讨论的方式拖动缩进标记相同。

A little tip for you. If you’re cycling through tab stops and don’t remember what each symbol means, move your mouse away from the button and then back to activate a tool tip describing that tab stop.

给您的小提示。 如果您在制表符停靠点之间循环,并且不记得每个符号的含义,请将鼠标从按钮上移开,然后移回以激活描述该制表符停靠点的工具提示。

To insert a tab stop, just use the button to select the type of stop you want. Now, point your mouse anywhere on the white portion of the horizontal ruler (toward the bottom of the ruler line), and then click. A symbol appears indicating the type of tab stop you’ve placed. This is a tab marker, showing where the text will jump to if you press the Tab button on your keyboard.

要插入制表位,只需使用按钮选择所需的停止类型即可。 现在,将鼠标指向水平标尺的白色部分(靠近标尺线的底部),然后单击。 出现一个符号,指示您放置的制表位的类型。 这是一个标签标记,显示如果您按键盘上的“ Tab”按钮,文本将跳转到的位置。

Here’s an example. In this paragraph, the Left Indent is half an inch from the left margin, the First Line indent is another half inch further in, and I’ve set a tab stop at two inches. I pressed the Tab button with my cursor in front of “Lorem,” so the text jumped to my manually-set tab point.

这是一个例子。 在本段中,左缩进距离左页边距为半英寸,第一行缩进距离又为半英寸,我将制表位设置为两英寸。 我将光标放在“ Lorem”前面时按下了Tab键,因此文本跳到了我手动设置的Tab点。

You can insert multiple tab markers if you want, and you can click and drag them around to reposition them on the fly.


To get rid of a tab marker, just drag it down (away from the ruler) and release the mouse button.


And, if you prefer to set up your tab stops manually (and a little more precisely), double-click any tab marker to open the “Tabs” window.


The ruler is just one of the little features in Word that packs a whole lot more functionality than most people realize. It provides a quick way to control margins, set various indents for a paragraph, and keep things in line using tab stops. Why Word leaves it turned off by default is beyond us, but at least now you know how to turn it back on and put it to use.

标尺只是Word中的小功能之一,它比大多数人意识到的功能要多得多。 它提供了一种快速的方法来控制页边距,设置段落的各种缩进量以及使用制表位使行保持一致。 为什么Word默认使它保持关闭状态已超出我们的范围,但是至少现在您知道如何重新打开它并使用它。




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